Code: Gabriel Vergari & Maria Brovkina 
Producer: Camila Levin
Design: Camila Levin, Joana Bento, Diana Silva, & Daniela Diniz.
Development Time: 2 months and 15 days (W/O Documentation)
Personal Responsibilities: Documentation, Development of  Game mechanics, part of the AI, code based animations, level design, and art implementation.
Most Inovative Game of Playstation Awards 2021
METANOIA is a 3D Psychological horror game for Windows and Mac.
The game has a medieval European theme, and the main scene is inspired by Rocca Constanza.
The objective of the game is to finish missions given by the NPCs, where the player does it correctly or a new enemy spawns on the map with behavior based on animals. 
The focus of this game was AI development, with 7 AI developed, and using randomness in objects around the map to create a realistic atmosphere, this game got an amazing grade, being the second-best game of the semester.

Technologies:: Unity3D, and CGINC
Programming Languages: C#, CGINC
The code/documentation of this project is not available to the public as professors catch students stealing it for better grades. If you are interested in the code, contact me by email.

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