Developed by Gabriel Vergari & Vasco Soares (prooheckcp).
Development Time: 2 months and 3 days (W/O Documentation)
Responsabilities: Database, NPC's behavior, cooking mechanic, and coded base animations.
Momotaro has the objective of managing a restaurant. The objective of the game is to both design the restaurant (place objects in a grid) and level it up to unlock new recipes/furniture and increase your income.
Momotaro is inspired by games such as “Restaurant City”, “Café World” and “dinner dash”. The idea came from Diner Dash, but with time, it was changed for a more nostalgic idea to create an engagement with players with “Restaurant City” and “Café World”.

Technologies: P5, NodeJs, MySQL
Programming Languages: JavaScript, MySQL, HTML/CSS

Here you can see the trailer of our game and the code. 
(Documentation of the game is inside the folder "NON-CODE RELATED" of Github)

Momotaro Spec Sheet

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